Parent Letter 2019-20
Vineland High School
Dear Parents/Guardians,
In order to make your child’s educational experience in the classroom as rewarding and positive as possible, please review this letter with your child to be aware of my expectations. My main function as a teacher is to help your child develop the skills needed to achieve in all areas of education. I offer a learning environment based on mutual respect and the desire to achieve. College U. S. History I will be very challenging for your child. They must keep an organized folder in class and complete all the required assignments in order to be successful.
Class Rules:
1. Always be on time and ready for class (in your seat, begin warm-up activity, assignments ready, folders out, pencil sharpened...etc)
2. Always take notes and listen. Information given in class will be on tests, learn to take notes and practice good listening skills.
3. Only speak when it is appropriate.
4. Always bring required materials (pen/pencil, folders, any assignment needed).
5. Always follow school rules (see student handbook).
· Warning
· Detention Issued *Three lates will result in a detention.
· Office referral or conference with parent.
The requirements and responsibilities for your child are as follows:
1. They are expected to turn their assignments and projects in on time. Turning assignments after the due date (or after the beginning of class when it is collected) will result in 20% off per day late. Assignments will NOT be accepted more than 5 days late.
2. They are expected to do work cooperatively. Many projects and in College U. S. History I will be collaborative (group) projects.
3. Keep up with readings and study every night. Unlike other courses, assignments may not be something they turn in for a grade. Due to the volume and detail of information they will be learning, it is important that they take the initiative and go over notes and readings every night.
4. Participate in class. Class discussions are a way to analyze and evaluate what they have learned and practice their knowledge of difficult concepts.
5. Stay organized. Use their agenda to keep track of important due dates and reading assignments. Keep an organized binder for their assignments and notes.
Your child’s grade in U.S. History I will be based upon the following grading scale:
A = 100 – 90 B = 89 - 83 C = 82 - 76
D = 75 – 70 F = 69 or below
Grades fall into four main categories:
1. Tests – 30% Minimum 2 per marking period.
2. Quizzes – 25% Minimum 2 per marking period.
3. Alternative Assessments – 25% Minimum 2 per marking period.
(projects, reports, presentations).
4. Classroom Performance & Homework – 20%
Includes attendance, effort, attitude, preparation, participation, time on task, following class rules and homework.
Final Course Calculation for full year courses:
2/9 = 1st marking period average 2/9 = 3rd marking period average
2/9 = 2nd marking period average 2/9 =4th marking period average
1/9 = final exam
Grades are rounded, percentages are the minimal required to achieve a grade. Example: a 75.5 will be rounded to the 76 required to get a C.
*The Final Exam for College U. S. History I is REQUIRED. The Final is worth 1/9 of the overall grade
Missed Work: When a student is absent it is his/her responsibility to get any notes from a classmate and missed assignments from the teacher. For everyday they are absent they have an equal number of days to make up any missed work (i.e. if they are absent 1 day, they have 1 day for make up; if they are absent 3 days, they have 3 days for make up).
*Mr. DiCostanzo will only accept late work for students in honors level classes if they are absent or suspended. Late work can be submitted in advanced and college level classes for partial credit.
Any assignment not completed in this time will result in a “0”.
Students will need:
· Blue or black ink pens
· Colored pencils for sketches and posters
· Highlighter (any color)
· Pencils
· markers
· ruler (metric)
· calculator
If at any time during the school year you have questions or concerns please feel free to contact me by calling 794-6800 or e-mail me at [email protected] I am looking forward to a successful year. I hope to see you at “Back to School Night”.
Please read over this letter and discuss it with your child.
Mr. Di Costanzo
Dear Parents/Guardians,
In order to make your child’s educational experience in the classroom as rewarding and positive as possible, please review this letter with your child to be aware of my expectations. My main function as a teacher is to help your child develop the skills needed to achieve in all areas of education. I offer a learning environment based on mutual respect and the desire to achieve. College U. S. History I will be very challenging for your child. They must keep an organized folder in class and complete all the required assignments in order to be successful.
Class Rules:
1. Always be on time and ready for class (in your seat, begin warm-up activity, assignments ready, folders out, pencil sharpened...etc)
2. Always take notes and listen. Information given in class will be on tests, learn to take notes and practice good listening skills.
3. Only speak when it is appropriate.
4. Always bring required materials (pen/pencil, folders, any assignment needed).
5. Always follow school rules (see student handbook).
· Warning
· Detention Issued *Three lates will result in a detention.
· Office referral or conference with parent.
The requirements and responsibilities for your child are as follows:
1. They are expected to turn their assignments and projects in on time. Turning assignments after the due date (or after the beginning of class when it is collected) will result in 20% off per day late. Assignments will NOT be accepted more than 5 days late.
2. They are expected to do work cooperatively. Many projects and in College U. S. History I will be collaborative (group) projects.
3. Keep up with readings and study every night. Unlike other courses, assignments may not be something they turn in for a grade. Due to the volume and detail of information they will be learning, it is important that they take the initiative and go over notes and readings every night.
4. Participate in class. Class discussions are a way to analyze and evaluate what they have learned and practice their knowledge of difficult concepts.
5. Stay organized. Use their agenda to keep track of important due dates and reading assignments. Keep an organized binder for their assignments and notes.
Your child’s grade in U.S. History I will be based upon the following grading scale:
A = 100 – 90 B = 89 - 83 C = 82 - 76
D = 75 – 70 F = 69 or below
Grades fall into four main categories:
1. Tests – 30% Minimum 2 per marking period.
2. Quizzes – 25% Minimum 2 per marking period.
3. Alternative Assessments – 25% Minimum 2 per marking period.
(projects, reports, presentations).
4. Classroom Performance & Homework – 20%
Includes attendance, effort, attitude, preparation, participation, time on task, following class rules and homework.
Final Course Calculation for full year courses:
2/9 = 1st marking period average 2/9 = 3rd marking period average
2/9 = 2nd marking period average 2/9 =4th marking period average
1/9 = final exam
Grades are rounded, percentages are the minimal required to achieve a grade. Example: a 75.5 will be rounded to the 76 required to get a C.
*The Final Exam for College U. S. History I is REQUIRED. The Final is worth 1/9 of the overall grade
Missed Work: When a student is absent it is his/her responsibility to get any notes from a classmate and missed assignments from the teacher. For everyday they are absent they have an equal number of days to make up any missed work (i.e. if they are absent 1 day, they have 1 day for make up; if they are absent 3 days, they have 3 days for make up).
*Mr. DiCostanzo will only accept late work for students in honors level classes if they are absent or suspended. Late work can be submitted in advanced and college level classes for partial credit.
Any assignment not completed in this time will result in a “0”.
Students will need:
· Blue or black ink pens
· Colored pencils for sketches and posters
· Highlighter (any color)
· Pencils
· markers
· ruler (metric)
· calculator
If at any time during the school year you have questions or concerns please feel free to contact me by calling 794-6800 or e-mail me at [email protected] I am looking forward to a successful year. I hope to see you at “Back to School Night”.
Please read over this letter and discuss it with your child.
Mr. Di Costanzo
The Gadsden flag is an historical American flag with a yellow field depicting a rattlesnake coiled and ready to strike. Positioned below the rattlesnake are the words "Don't Tread On Me". The flag is named after American general and statesman Christopher Gadsden (1724–1805), who designed it in 1775 during the American Revolution.